Stop Methods

The following stop device methods are available:

    (<access point>)
    (<instr>, <x>)
    (<instr>, <x>, <y>)
    (<string>, <pitch>)

To briefly recap, the Stop device provides a rudimentary mechanism for stopping strings in order to obtain specific pitches from them. The <amount> attribute is a value in the range [0..1], with 0 meaning that the string is not stopped at all and 1 meaning that it is fully stopped. The <damping> attribute determines how highly damped the left hand side of the string will be (the right hand side is given the appropriate length to achieve the specified pitch).

The unnamed (...) methods are used to apply the stop to an instrument. Much like the bow and hammer devices there are three standard versions available, expecting either an access point, an instrument and single x coordinate, or an instrument and both x and y coordinates. However for the Stop device there is a fourth method (<string>, <pitch>) available. This method, given a string instrument and a pitch as arguments will automatically calculate at what point the Stop device should be applied to the string in order to produce the desired pitch.

Note that it is always the portion of the string to the right of the applied Stop device which has the correct pitch. This should be borne in mind if connecting the string to other components. If you build your instrument with the left hand sides of each string attached to some sort of resonator you will get all the wrong pitches when you start to play the instrument!

Note also that as with the Bow and Hammer devices the preferred syntax to use in a script when applying the device to an instrument is as follows:

    string(0.1) -- stop;

which is exactly equivalent to:


The first format is more commonly used since it is more clearly legible when quickly scanning a script to see what it does. Wherever the -- operator appears in a script, you know that there is some kind of interfacing between access points and devices taking place.

©1999,2000 Mark Pearson April 30, 2000