Example 1 - accesspoint1.tao

This example illustrates how to use access points to generate output from an instrument and send the resulting data via an Output device to a output file.

    Audio rate: 44100;
    String s1(100 Hz, 20 secs);    
    AccessPoint l=s1(0.1), r=s1(0.9);
    Output out(2);
    Score 5.0 secs:
        At 0 secs for 0.1 msecs:
        Every 0.1 secs:
            Print Time, " ", l, " ", r,  newline;
        out.chL: l;
        out.chR: r;

©1999,2000 Mark Pearson m.pearson@ukonline.co.uk April 30, 2000