Testing Tao

To test that everything is working once the installation is complete open a new shell window. Change to the top level directory in the Tao distribution copy the script examples/test.tao to your home directory. This test script contains the following text although you don't need to understand how it works for the moment.

    Audio rate: 44100;

    Circle c(800 Hz, 20 secs);
    String strings[4]=
        (800 Hz, 20 secs),
        (810 Hz, 20 secs),
        (820 Hz, 20 secs),
        (830 Hz, 20 secs)

    Rectangle r(800 Hz, 900 Hz, 20 secs);
    Triangle t(800 Hz, 900 Hz, 20 secs);
    Connector conn1, conn2, conn3, conn4;
    Counter s;

        For s = 0 to 3:


        strings[0](0.1) -- conn1 -- strings[1](0.1);
        strings[1](0.9) -- conn2 -- strings[2](0.9);
        strings[2](0.1) -- conn3 -- strings[3](0.1);

        r(0.6,0.2) -- conn4 -- 0.0;


    Score 20 secs:
        At start for 0.1 msecs:


Change directory in the shell window to your home directory and type:

    tao test

If everything is working OK Tao should respond firstly by printing the following messages in the shell window:

    |     Tao (c) 1996-99 Mark Pearson     |
    | Sound Synthesis with Physical Models |

    Processing test.tao
    Making test.exe
    Executing test.exe

    Sample rate=44100 KHz
    Score duration=1 seconds                

It should then open a window like the one shown in figure *. This is Tao's instrument visualisation window, which presents a 3-D animated representation of the instruments described in the script test.tao. In the current implementation this window is meant for visualisation only, it is not possible to edit the instruments graphically.

Tao's instrument visualisation window

This is a good opportunity to try some of the key and mouse bindings which affect the behaviour of the instrument visualisation window. These are listed below but there is one thing you have to do first to set the synthesis engine in motion.

IMPORTANT: When the visualisation window opens initially the instrument animation is paused. This gives you time to move/resize/rotate the image to get the view you want before setting everything in motion. So the first thing you need to do is press the right-arrow key. After doing this you should see the instruments spring to life, showing the propagating waves. You can now try out some of the key and mouse bindings.

  • Key bindings
  • Mouse bindings

  • ©1999,2000 Mark Pearson m.pearson@ukonline.co.uk April 30, 2000