Post-processing the output files

Tao's output files are written in raw-floating point format. This means that they are not immediately playable, but require a further post-processing step to convert them into a more usable format. This is achieved with the taosf command. The general syntax of this command is:

    taosf <output_filename>

Where output_filename is the name of the output file minus the .dat extension. This reads the floating point sample data stored in the output file, normalises it to fit the maximum sample range available, and adds an appropriate WAV header to the file describing the number of channels and sample data format.

The reason for Tao's output files being written in floating point format is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to know in advance the amplitudes of the waves in the instruments, especially in cases where some sort of feedback is present in the system. It is therefore easier to write the output samples in a format which presents no danger of overflows (as often happens with CSound) and then normalise these samples once the performance is finished.

©1999,2000 Mark Pearson April 30, 2000