Graphically Placing Instruments

These methods allow the user to override Tao's default graphical placement scheme. The default scheme is not very intelligent in the current version and simply places each new instrument above the previous one (`above' meaning in the +ve y direction). The placeAt method allows the position of the bottom left hand corner of the bounding box surrounding the instrument to be set explicitly. The placeAbove, placeBelow, placeRightOf and placeLeftOf methods allow an instrument to be placed relative to another instrument.

In the case of the methods which expect an additional argument <offset>, this argument specifies an additional offset measured in world coordinates from the reference instrument (the default is to seperate each instrument by 5 units in world coordinates). This is somtimes necessary to prevent the instrument visualisation window from becoming too cluttered.

    placeAt(<x, y>)
    placeAbove(<instrument>, <offset>)
    placeBelow(<instrument>, <offset>)
    placeRightOf(<instrument>, <offset>)
    placeLeftOf(<instrument>, <offset>)

©1999,2000 Mark Pearson April 30, 2000