Accessing the Internal Attributes of an Instrument

This set of methods allow the internal attributes of an instrument to be inspected. Please note that some of these methods are only listed for completeness. In practice they are not of much use in the average Tao script.


The getName method returns a string containing the name of the instrument. The getMagnification method returns the current factor by which the visual amplitude of the waves in the instrument are being magnified. The two methods getWorldX and getWorldY return the world coordinates of the bottom left hand corner of the bounding box around the instrument (i.e. the position in the xy plane). The getXMax and getXMax methods return the N-1 where N is the width or height of the instrument in cells respectively.

The only two methods which should be of any use in the average Tao script are getXFrequency and getYFrequency. These return the pitch values which were passed in when the instrument was created, but converted to Hertz, regardless of the initial pitch format used.

©1999,2000 Mark Pearson April 30, 2000